Something Major is Coming in 2020!


We are little particles of Quantum Energy and NOW the scientists say those little Quantum particles can do miraculous things, amazing things, but they say those miracles have nothing to do with our lives.

Quantum particles can exist in two places or many places at the same time and they are always connected. They are always connected with one another.

Quantum particles can communicate with themselves in the past and in the future...

We are made of those particles. We are held together through a Focus, a Force... What is the Force that holds our Quantum particles together as our bodies?

There is a Force out there that holds everything together in our bodies and in our world and we know that behind this Force the existence of a Conscious Mind and Intelligent Mind that there is an Energy, a Field of Energy that holds everything together (SOURCE Consciousness) that is not solid and we are not solid

If we want to change an Atom, we have to change the Energy that the Atom lives in. If we want to change the stuff, the physical stuff of our world, we must change the Energy that that stuff exists within.

So, the Field we are talking about, the Field is made of Electrical Energy, and it's made of Magnetic Energy. Two Energies the Field that holds everything together.

So, if we change the Electrical Field; the Stark Effect, we can change the Atom or if we change the Magnetic Field; the Zeeman Effect, we change the Atom.

Our world is made of Electrical and Magnetic Energy, the Atom.

There is one organ in our bodies that produces the Strongest Electrical Field and the Strongest Magnetic Field... The Human Heart produces Strongest Electrical and Magnetic Fields in the body.

Our Heart's Electrical Field is 100 times stronger than the brain. Our Heart's Magnetic Field is up to 5,000 times stronger than the brain's Magnetic Field.

Belief (KNOWING) is the CODE that takes that Field of Energy, Possibilities, and translates that Field into the Reality.

In this Field, all Possibilities already exist in the Quantum Energy. In the soup of Quantum Possibility.

All Possibilities already exist!

In the Quantum Possibilities, we are already Healed!

Peace has already happened!

Joy is already everywhere!

All the greatest suffering, all the greatest peace, already exist in the Quantum Possibilities.

With our mind, we reach into those Possibilities.

We imagine our Healing.

We imagine Peace.

We imagine our perfect Relationship.

We imagine the Abundance in our lives with our mind... and that's how we lock that possibility into place.

And with our Heart, we give that possibility Life!

We Breathe Life into the image of our mind through the Feeling in our Heart and make it Real in our world.

Belief (KNOWING) is the marriage; it's a Union of Thought and Emotion.

Quantum Possibilities exist as Waves of Energy.

The Waves are contracting and expanding.

They are coming and they are going.

These are the possibilities of our lives.

Our perfect relationship is coming and it's going.

Our abundance, our perfect job, it's coming and it's going.

Because the Waves are always in motion.

What would happen if the Wave was not coming and was not going? If it was in one place?

What would we call that Wave?

The possibilities, the Quantum Possibilities of our lives are these Waves that are coming and going.

The standing Wave is our Reality!

It is Time to move our Consciousness from our heads and move it into our HEARTS...

to raise our SELVES in Frequency, in Vibration, and in Consciousness... into the Heart of the Fifth Dimension. The next chapter of Mama Earth.

Thank you, Gregg Braden, for writing this.💜

I am so looking forward to teaching more about this as I teach Self-Hypnosis and Higher Self Hypnosis in 2020. Want to know more? Reply to this email and I'll put you in the invitation list for this training.

In Divine Service to Our Rising, 💜

Priya Lakhi