2020 = Perfect Vision

Healing is a pilgrimage. One that liberates all of us who undertake it and liberates the communities to which we belong.

When we heal, we heal our ancestors, our families, our peers and the generations to come. When we return to our wholeness, we create healing by allowing others to see how to follow their own North Star.

Acceleration into healing starts by opening the portal of awareness. Awareness of all of who you are (the light and the shadow), all that you have experienced, all that you feel and know, all the choices and actions that have led you here. Become aware of the truth as it is, without judgment.

And also hold in your heart, in your body and in your mind the decision to be whole, to be free, to be healed. Be in radical acceptance of your soul. Feel the elevated emotion of gratitude for all that has happened FOR you and not TO you.

As 2020, the year of perfect vision arrives...place yourself in the line of sight as you reorganize yourself in wholeness. Know that you are ready to let go....truly let go...of the false rules, of the bullshit stories and of matrix of fear that keeps you small.

Stand proudly in the chalice of your soul. Let the truth be spoken from your thirst for freedom. And let your heart be open to your magic.

Growth is always a decision. Change happens no matter what. Make 2020 the year where your intention is healing.

We are sacred. We are divine. We are not broken. We are an energy field full of limitless potential.

Priya Lakhi