How to Choose the Right Healer for you?
When aligned, a healer helps clarify each stage of our journey; helping to unravel beliefs in fear to reveal a bigger cosmic picture, where each and everything that happens to us only invokes a change for the better. If a spiritual journey is like a vision quest, then as healers we are the faithful, wise, and loving space holders for the healing already underway.
Our work is multi-layered and multi-dimensional on each level: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. Just like a doula’s job is to accompany and guide the delivery of a baby and not give birth for an expectant mother -- a transformational healer exists to ease all doubts, untangle each confusion. Our role is to help return someone to the presence and innocence of their naturally aligned state of being. At whatever speed is destined for it to unfold.
A healer herself is also on a journey of ever-increasing consciousness and evolution. For me, playing a spiritual role is not higher than any other role in service. When we are pure of heart, we yearn to serve those in need. Whatever is needed, whether appearing spiritual or not, is joyfully provided without judgment or comparison.
In choosing the right healer, it’s most important you feel a resonance. It’s a sudden feeling of connectedness, like you’re drawn to them for some reason and often don’t know why.
In my personal opinion, that’s the most important, because the resonance indicates that unconsciously you’re occupying a similar wavelength. Meaning, they can help you, and you know they can.